Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution - Presentation by Kavitha Haima Kidambi

Different kinds of Environmental Pollution around us -

1. Air Pollution

2. Land Pollution

3. Light Pollution

4. Noise Pollution

5. Thermal Pollution

6. Visual Pollution

7. Water Pollution


Air Pollution:

Air Pollution is the contamination of air by smoke and harmful gases.


Examples:                   Exhaust fumes from vehicles
                                     Burning of fossil, fuels, coal, oil and gas.

Because of which we may get Asthma, Allergies and other respiratory illnesses.

Land Pollution:

Land Pollution is the degradation of the Earth's surface caused by misuse of resources and improper disposal of waste.


Examples:                    Litter found on the sides of roads.
                                      Illegal dumping in natural habitats.
                                      Damage to the natural resources.


Light Pollution:

Light pollution is the brightness of the night sky, with improper lightnings of communities.

 Examples:                      Street lamps shine light around all directions.
                                         Extra, unnecessary lights all the night long.
                                         Extra bright lights on the highways causes accidents in the night.


Noise Pollution:

Noise Pollution is any loud sounds that are harmful or annoying to us and as well as animals.

Examples:              Airplanes, Helicopters, Motor vehicles and Trucks
                                Construction and demolition Noise
                                Loud speakers, concerts and celebrations

Thermal Pollution:

Thermal pollition is the increase of temperature caused by human activities.

 Examples:             Warmer lake water from near by manufacturing waste
                                Industrial wastage is directly mixing in rivers or lakes which is harmful to
                                                sea-animals and also harmful to us.

Visual Pollution:

Visual pollution is that which affects our eyes by seeing them, which affects accidents and also blocks the natural view.

Examples:             Billboards, cutouts cause environmental pollution
                               Sky scrapers that blocks a natural view.        

Water Pollution:


Examples:              Industrial waste spills contaminating water.
                                Biological contamination bacteria growth.

These pollution causes health issues in humans, animals and plants. 
